How to study

You can study the course on your own schedule. When you are signed in to the system it remembers your progress.

The course consists of texts and assignments. You can study the course sections in any order but we recommend that you proceed in the suggested order. Before working on the assignments, study the textual material of the section. That will help you do the assignments.

Requirements for passing the course

To complete the course you need to do 90% of assignments and get 80% of assignments accepted as passed. The final assignment in the last module is mandatory.

Because we want to continuously improve the course filling the course feedback form at the end is also mandatory for passing.

Certificate and ECTS credits

The course certificate is available to all who pass the course. You can download your certificate from your mooc.fi profile. No Open University course enrollment is required to access the certificate.

The course is worth 2 ECTS credits. Open University enrollment is required for the credits.

In case of problems or questions

If you have any questions, or suggestions regarding the course, contact us via email:

Technical issues and questions related to the online learning environment:

Questions related to Open University course enrollment: